Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Blog Post #5

  1. Where did you find the photo?
  2. Who is the photographer? James Snyder
  3. When was the photo taken? December 9, 2009
  4. What did you like about the photograph? This should be about a paragraph. What I really life about this photograph is that it takes a small frog comparing to the lights wrapped around the bark or what seems like a tree. I also enjoy the humor in this photo because the frog swallowed the light and there is a red beam of light through the frog's body. I also like the colors in this because the bark and the frog are very earthy tones of green and brown, yet there are bright colors like red and yellow-white.
  5. What kind of lighting was used? Natural or artificial, high or low contrast, dramatic or subtle. There is both natural and artificial lighting. Artificial lighting being the lights wrapped around the bark. There is some low and high contrast. Low contrast is the frog's head and legs to the bark. High contrast is the cord of the lights and the lights to the bark and the black sky behind it. Also, high contrast is the bright red light inside the frog to the frog itself and the bark. This picture is pretty dramatic because of the different contrasts and the textures used.
  6. How did the photographer use composition skills in the photo? Where is the emphasis and how did the photographer create emphasis? The photographer took this picture as a snapshot rather than photograph because the frog wasn't stationed there forever and wasn't told what to do. The photographer captured this from an angle that looks down upon the frog and makes the frog seem bigger than it actually it. The emphasis in this picture is the red beaming light inside the frog because it is such a different color from the rest of the colors in the picture and it also happens to be in the center of the photo. The photographer captured this emphasis by focusing on the red light and how much of an impact it has on the rest of the photo.
  7. What do you think the photographer is trying to communicate with this work? How clearly do you think that the message is being communicated? I think the photographer is trying to communicate the message of the humor and oddness of this picture and the uniqueness of this particular photo. I think this message is comprehended clearly because he emphasizes the oddness of the frog swallowing the light.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Blog Post #4- Value Contrast, Emphasis, Leading Lines, Framing, Rule of Thirds, Spacial Relations

This picture is value contrast because there is the bright and greyish sky compared with the dark petals and stems of the flowers. The sky is contrasting with every plant such as the trees and flower. I took this picture from a downward angle so i could get the sky in the background as being bright, with the rest of the objects much darker.

This picture represents emphasis because it is a solo tulip flower in the heap of dark and rough looking bushes and the tulip stands out a lot because it is so bright and has contrast with the bushes. I shot the picture from an upward angle, looking down on the flower. I really like the shadow of the tulip behind it and it makes the tulip look large. I also like the simplicity of the tulip and its not heavy emphasis, but it still leads the eye to the flower.

This picture represents leading lines because the lines lead towards the direction of the rock at the end of the bridge and there are many examples and showings of leading lines in the picture, not just with the floor leading to the rock. There are also examples of leading lines with the sides and the posts that hold up the gate to the edge of the bridge. I shot this picture while laying on the bridge, trying to get the best leading angles towards the rock and also noticing the other lines that could be in the photograph.

This picture represents framing because the girl is sitting on top of the rock and the trees and bushes frame her and the rock. This isn't the most clear example of framing, but you can tell that she is being framed by the trees. I really like the natural framing of this instead of generic and simple framing, and it was a cool discovery to find the trees framing her.

This picture represents Rule of Thirds because 2/3 of the picture is grass, and 1/3 of the picture are the blocks of wood. I really like this angle because it not only follows the rule of thirds, but it also has value contrast. I like the textures of this picture and the smoothness of the wood.

This picture shows spacial relations because the girl looks like she is fit right into the sole of the show and she looks very small inside the shoe. I shot this picture on the grass and the girl was very far away from the tennis shoe. The shoe was much closer to me than the girl and it took a while to focus and make sure it looked realistic. I really like this photo in particular becuase it's unique and creative.